unused licenses calculator

Do you know how much you spend on unused licenses?

Use our calculator to estimate how much you could save on SaaS licenses. Using industry averages and our experience we can help you eliminate overspending.

If you don’t have historical data, feel free to leave in the averages or use your own benchmarks. This calculator uses estimates based on publicly available list prices of licenses.

Since when does your company operate?
It is very important to know the years of operation since the foundation of the company. Fluctuation and other factors accumulate year after year, which will greatly impact security on the long run.
The current number of employees at your company
The employee headcount for the current year.
Office 365 licenses
Number of employees with live Office 365 licenses, or more precisely, the total number of Office 365 licenses at the company.
Salesforce.com licenses
The number of employees with current Salesforce.com licenses, or more precisely, the total number of Salesforce.com licenses in the company.
Zoho CRM licenses
The number of employees with current Zoho CRM licenses, or more precisely, the total number of Zoho CRM licenses in the company.
ADP/Paylocity licenses
The number of employees with current ADP/Paylocity licenses, or more precisely, the total number of ADP/Paylocity licenses in the company.
Access revoking process
Do you have a proper employee license and access revoking process for employees who leave the company?
Number of new employees during the last year
Number of employees who left during the last year
Possible savings on Office 365 licenses:
$ 0
Possible savings on Salesforce.com licenses:
$ 0
Possible savings on Zoho CRM licenses:
$ 0
Total estimated possible license savings:
$ 0

There is so much more behind the numbers. Click the button below and learn everything you need to save more!

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