hidden cost calculator

Do you know the hidden costs of your company's security incidents?

Use our calculator to estimate how much you could save just by managing security access risks. Using industry averages and our experience we can help you eliminate overspending, while increasing security.

If you don’t have historical data, feel free to leave in the averages or use your own benchmarks. This calculator uses estimates based on publicly available list prices of licenses.

The current number of employees at your company
The employee headcount for the current year.
Employees using computers
Number of mployees using any device to access the company's systems, e.g. desktops, laptops, smartphones, etc.
Average revenue
The company's average revenue in the last 3 years. This is important to be able to estimate the costs of security incidents.
IT security incidents in the last 3 years
Number of realized IT security incidents that have been handled in the last 3 years.
Number of IT employees
The number of current employees on an IT related field, please include both internal and external.
Number of IT security employees
The number of current employees on an IT security field, please include both internal and external.
Number of internal auditors
Current number of internal IT auditors and auditoring processes set up in the company.
Number of new employees during the last year
Number of employees who left during the last year
Yearly typical incident cost:
$ 0
Incidents cost of computer user employees:
$ 0
IT security and internal audit effect:
$ 0
Total estimated cost:
$ 0

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